October 2006: QDM and HCAHPS – Price/Performance Leadership
As a leader in the delivery of quality and process improvement solutions to the healthcare industry, QDM is proud to include the HCAHPS survey in its price/performance leading solutions. The purpose of the HCAHPS project is to provide a standard survey and data collection methodology for measuring patients’ perceptions of hospital care, and is scheduled for national implementation this year. QDM is pleased to provide two distinct offerings, the first designed to address the needs of those clients who wish to operate HCAHPS as a stand-alone survey, and the second designed for those clients who wish to incorporate HCAHPS into their overall patient satisfaction surveys.QDM has long been intimately involved in the development and testing process of the CAHPS surveys, and is perfectly positioned to help hospitals transition to HCAHPS while still leveraging prior investments in legacy data. We believe that our offerings represent the best value in the market, a position confirmed by data in the recent HCAHPS cost-benefit analysis commissioned by CMS and performed by Abt Associates, Inc.
To find out how QDM can help you meet HCAHPS requirements in the most cost-effective manner, please contact Jeff Paliwoda (440-526-8633, x225).To learn more about HCAHPS, please visit the following Web sites:
May 2004: Over 275 Participants in the CMS-Premier Hospital Quality Incentive Demonstration Project and other Premier health system customers offered introductory use of QDM's IVC - Advisor View(tm) data integration and display product.
The Hospital Quality Incentive Demonstration Project is the first national effort to link Medicare payments to quality. The project is managed by Premier and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
The 275+ HQI sites, plus all Premier informatics customers, are being provided with the opportunity to use the QDM Integrated Value Compass (IVC), branded by Premier as Advisor View(tm). Participating hospitals will complement their use of the IVC-Advisor View by conducting diagnosis-specific studies (AMI, CABG, CHF, CAP, TJR) to discover performance gaps, and opportunities for quality and process improvement. (Contact Jeff Paliwoda [440-526-8633, x225] for further information about the IVC.)
The Hospital Quality Incentive Demonstration Project is a three-year program designed to determine if economic incentives are effective at improving the quality of inpatient care. In this demonstration, CMS will measure and pay incentives for high quality inpatient care among a group of hospitals participating in Premier's Perspective Online quality measurement system, Clinical Advisor.
Read more about the Healthcare Quality Demonstration:
Find out more about Premier:
April 2004: QDM to Survey Physicians at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation's Health System
QDM is conducting physician-specific surveys for 1,000 physicians
for the Cleveland Clinic Foundation's health system. This
project will support quality improvement at the office/physician
level and will be used to review the performance of every
practicing physician on an annual basis.
QDM Continues to be a Strong Supporter of the multiple CAHPS (Formerly, The Consumer Assessment of Health Plans) Initiatives
2003: The Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI) in Minnesota Chooses QDM's Technology to Deploy the A-CAHPS Survey.
The Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI) in Minnesota has chosen QDM's advanced technology to deploy the A-CAHPS survey. This project is an extension of the original research project conducted jointly by Harvard Medical School, ICSI, and QDM to support ICSI's quality and process improvement initiatives. QDM is also providing ongoing survey support to a number of ICSI's physician practices
- The first phase will utilize the H-CAHPS survey for its current intended purpose, reporting goodness of care.
- The second project phase
will employ QDM's dynamic survey design and real time
data collection and presentation technology to deploy
the H-CAHPS survey for the dual purpose of reporting the
goodness of care and utilizing the survey for quality
improvement at the department level.
Read more about CAHPS:
2003: A QDM H-CAHPS project has been approved by CMS and Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality, permitting Premier, Inc. and QDM to deploy the H-CAHPS survey in a two-phase program.